
Delta i Creating People Advantage Survey 2023

Tillsammans med World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) och Boston Consulting Group (BCG) bjuder Sveriges HR Förening in både medlemmar och andra HR-professionella att delta i Creating People Advantage survey 2023. I år ligger fokuset i undersökningen på att hantera utmanande tider.

Tillsammans med World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) och Boston Consulting Group (BCG) bjuder Sveriges HR Förening in både medlemmar och andra HR-professionella att delta i Creating People Advantage survey  2023. I år ligger fokuset i undersökningen på att hantera utmanande tider. 


Creating People Advantage är världens mest omfattande och välkända undersökning kring HR-trenderoch har genomförts sedan 2007. Resultaten (planeras att publiceras i oktober) syftar till att stötta HR-team och ledare och möjliggöra till att driva sitt arbete framgångsrikt.


Vill du vara med och bidra med ditt perspektiv?


Nu har du chansen att vara med och bidra med ditt perspektiv på aktuella frågor för dig som arbetar inom HR/People – i år med fokus på att hantera utmanande tider.

Undersökningen tar 20 minuter och du kan svara anonymt.


Klicka här för att komma till enkäten.


About the survey

Companies worldwide now face many business challenges – the unfolding economic and civil crises, continued digital transformation and disruption and a shift to sustainability. Each challenge requires new approaches and different skills from diverse talent. This is why understanding the role of people management for future business success has never been more important.


The Creating People Advantage Survey (CPA) 2023 gives you the chance to share in depth-perspectives on the most urgent HR topics – this year focusing on managing challenging times.


The CPA has been the world’s most comprehensive and renowned publication on people trends in organizations since 2007. Its results (scheduled for publication October 2023) aim to support HR team capability building globally and enable HR leaders to drive future business success.

We invite you to participate in this 20-minute survey for CPA 2023 to


– contribute to the latest perspective on people management priorities worldwide

– create unique insights into how HR addresses the current business environment

– shape the discussion and development of people management


We highly appreciate and thank you for your support and your participation in the CPA 2023.


About WFPMA and BCG


The CPA is a collaboration between the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The WFPMA is a global network representing more than 660,000 people management professionals around the world. Its members are primarily the continental federations which consist of over 90 national human resource associations. BCG is a global management consulting firm and leading in advising on business strategy as well as an acknowledged leader in human capital strategy consulting. BCG partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities.

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